Tuesday, December 3, 2013

So Very Grateful

We have so much to be grateful for this year....kids, family and wonderful friends. The Thanksgiving holiday was about spending time with each other and Papa and Lulu. We enjoyed our feast and the kids certainly liked every bit. We learned that Jack LOVES cranberries and Hope can polish off a good size slice of pumpkin pie. In addition to Thanksgiving, we were also able to celebrate my big birthday. I felt very blessed throughout the days leading up to my birthday. I received cards and treats from family and friends from all corners of my life for 40 days. The best gift of all though came from the kids.  Hope sang "Happy Birthday" to me and Jack chimed in. Check out the stellar performance below. 

Wait a minute, I'm supposed to be the princess.
I can wear a tiara too.  
I see you!
Mmmmmm.....Pumpkin Pie
This candy can go on the roof, the next one will go into my mouth.
Does the candy really have to go on the house? 
Making progress on the house.
Yes kids the tree is coming into the house. 
Birthday celebration

Now that the tree is up, we can play with the nativity set.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing these priceless pics. The twins are adorable and growing like crazy. I hope you enjoy the big 40.
