Sunday, September 22, 2013

Silly in September

Still living the circus life at home but enjoying every moment. The past week was full of parties for us. Last weekend John was fortunate to spend some time in the Quad Cities at a party for his brother James who is getting married in a few short weeks. I stayed home with the kids and whooped it up with neighbors. I also took the kids to the NICU reunion at a local children's museum. It was a great event and wonderful to see our favorite nurse Megan and one of our favorite doctors who took such good care of all of us when the kids were in the hospital. This weekend we met our good friends the Wrights at the Plaza Art Fair. Wow, that certainly was the place to be yesterday....huge crowds enjoying the art, music and food. We are all pooped tonight!

We are happy!
(Mom and Dad are not in favor of dance parties on the coffee table)
Picking veggies at Wonderscope and NICU Reunion party
NICU Grads 
Jack has been testing out some interesting places to sit.
Oops, Morgan's bumbo seat is too small.
Ummm what? Just playing King Kong.
Dad's little apprentices
Dancing the night away with Kate and Hadley at the Plaza
Creating masterpieces with Dad
Very busy at work

We'd rather be mingling outside of this stroller
Sunday night walk with Frisco


  1. Sunday night walk picture needs to have a frame and displayed in your home. Priceless. Keep the pics coming. I enjoy watching the twins grow. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Agree on the Sunday night walk picture - Dad could probably even get rid of the mailbox for you...

  3. hey, so, this website has been bookmarked for me recently since I just found about it and, I agree ... keep the pics and the stories coming! They are so big .. they are standing!!

