Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The Nanny Diaries Part 2

While we were busy working, Jessy sure was on the move with the kids this past month. The days were filled with music class, playdates, picnics, visits to the farm and just some plain fun around the house. She is the best! We are grateful she captured these fun moments during the day.

Playdate with Gracie and Audrey on their new play set 
Painting time with brushes
Daddy's working hard....I've got the perfect view
Painting time with fingers 
I just lined these up so I could walk on them.
Jessy took us to say goodbye to Papa & Lulu at the train station
This is a fun way to ride around Union Station
Trains just for us at the station 
Morgan, I'll read you a book
There was an old woman who swallowed a fly.....
Shaving cream anyone?
Just hanging out watching the world go by 
Picnic at the farm
Jammie Day! 
Frisco, would you like some soup (or poop as Jack calls it)?
Swinging with Audrey at our house
A picnic at our house with Gracie and Audrey
Field trip to the even joined us for this one
Checking out the waves 
Jack, look...a turtle!
We are always this well behaved 

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