Wednesday, June 11, 2014

May Fun

Wow May was incredibly busy with work for both John and I. The kids don't seem to differentiate between when mom and dad are busy and when they are not. They just continue on with the great amount of energy they have and assume we'll keep up with them. They don't slow down! We had a few fun outings during the month. We are so glad summer is here and we can spend the days outside.

Happy Mother's Day Mom (We're not that interested in pictures today) 
Mom, come on... I'd rather be blowing bubbles
Oooh...pretty flowers, I might pick one!
Professional bubble blower
(complete with rainbow loom bracelets compliments of friend Hadley.)
Neighbor Joy decided we should run 13.1 miles with the cows
We finished, but I'm pretty sure the cows were faster than I was.
This is a cool medal Mom
(Notice he has a cowbell to help celebrate) 
Party with the Penguins at the KC Zoo
Had a great time celebrating the Junior League's gift to the zoo.
Look a plane! A plane! A plane!
I'm pretty adorable
I look awesome. I picked out my own outfit today.
Take me out to the ballgame!
Family Fun at the T-Bones game with the Wrights 
Wow Kate, that's a lot of cotton candy! I can help you with that.
What? That candy made my hands sticky.
The pool is open!
Family All Play in the garden. 
After all that gardening, it's time to put our feet up.
Grandma Luth's Peony - The blooms were gorgeous this year!
This is the best the peony has ever looked.
It's a family heirloom...came from my grandmother's garden in Ohio.

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