Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Random Family Happenings

The past month seems to have gotten away from me. Where does the time go? I haven't been super great about taking pictures during the past few weeks but I did catch a few random moments. Enjoy!

Cookies and milk night....Cheese!
Filling Easter eggs for the big hunt at church 
Fishing at Deanna Rose with the Wrights
(Looks like a project for the dads)
Dad, I'll get another worm so you can bait my hook
Watching the Blacksmith with Kate at the farm
I might be pretty adorable 
Yep, chicks dig me
Creating a potato head masterpiece
(I do my best work without my shirt)
Potato Heads on Parade

1 comment:

  1. Is that curls I see on Hope? BEAUTIFUL
    Jack is turning into a little boy and handsome as to all
